Wednesday, October 14, 2009

the ongoing horror poster collection part 3.

I seem to have a lot of free time today, don't I?

Here's the last of what I have pictures of.

1) Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 advance

Now, you have to stand in awe at this poster, don't you?  This is one of the best posters ever, bar none.  The look on Leatherface's is perfect as he cuts down the...ok, really you can see what the hell he's doing, right?  I don't need to be poetic.  It's pure awesome.  The sad thing is that this was the awesome poster preceeding the worst poster in recent memory.  The horrid family photo of the cast that looks like a candid shot aside from leatherface cheering for himself.  even the photo quality is lousy making it seem like a blown-up postcard missing only the "wish you were here" underline.

Painful folks, painful.

Actually, let's do a little dissection here.

Here's seven things wrong with this poster.

1) It looks like a comedy.  Not that it wasn't, but come on.

2) Grandpa looks entirely too mobile.  He was unable to make any indication of life ten years before this, so why is he sitting there like he's preparing himself to be a genie?

3) Who posed the corpse in the front?  Did Chop-Top think it was a good idea to drag this thing in and make it ape antics for the moment?

4) Dad looks like he forgot how a camera works.  Why is he leaning in to the shot when there is clearly no reason? Also, did he just wake up?

5) Moseley is in it.

6) The colour palette consists of light biege, dark blue and washed out characters.  Well, they weren't really washed out yet, but give it a few years.

7) Where are these people?  It actually looks like a photo op.  "Ok Bill, sit there, move your arm down.  Stiffen up damnit!  Christ, stop moving everyone, we want this to be as crisp and sterile as possible.  Wait, no.  You, Grandpa.  Cross your arms likeyou're modelling a designer watch.  BRILLIANT!

3) Leatherface (TCM 3)

It was an awesome idea.  The saw is Excalibur.  This is one of those post-boom horror films that hit the right note in hiring the right people to make the ad.  Obviously still shitting the shame out from part 2, this has that Heavy Metal look to it that could sell a soundtrack.  It feels like it's going to be a hard ride to take.  One of the last great theatrical one-sheets.

I take great exception to the tagline however.  I don't think that they were referring to this specific movie as controversial.  I'd think they were speaking of part 2, where they made a great movie suck and people debated it heavilly.

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