It's very dreary outside today, much like I'd imagine a lazy Sunday in Transylvania to be.
You know, just sitting in the old casket, not bothering to shower and watching old tapes of Murder She Wrote on your VCR.
After a staggering reception, we're returning on this sad, dull afternoon to conclude our two-part epic of Dracula's dirty secret.
Onward and upward to greater glory.
The "Needlessly Glossy" Dracula
For those of you who just couldn't find that perfect mix of Vampires and donut glaze, look no further. This confusing Al Lewis type decor is loaded with problematic design choices, not the least of which is the black asphalt top coat along his entire forehead. I suppose it's to mimic a shadowy visage, but it's dark outside at Halloween, so really where does that leave us?
Well, it leaves us staring directly at the fucking awful blood mouth which makes it look like his gums are inflamed after eating a bottle of Ketchup.
Oh, and he has massive Vulcan ears for no obvious reason.
Estimated Value: Like...a buck.
Estimated Child Disappointment level: Due to the sheer volume of facial cutting caused by this stiff bastard, no doubt rather steep.
FrightFactor: Zero. Absolute zero, it's barely a mask aside from the legal definition.
The "Norris Monster in Full Drag" Dracula.
Imagine, if you would, the Norris creature from John Carpenter's "The Thing" decided that it fancied men quite more than a metamorphical creature of its ilk normally would. And in deciding this, it finds itself invited to a halloween party with a potentially warm and viable male suitor expecting it. What to wear?
This isn't so much a Dracula mask as it is a Monster in drag no matter how you slice it.
Virtually every single element of this is wrong. The stringy fop hair to the bone white gums.
Kudos to the eyebrow staff for making such a bold choice, however.
If this is Dracula, then an old lady mask is also Dracula under the premise of calling it Dracula and having it bleed from the upper front teeth. Actually this is as close to Dracula as a garden rake with googly eyes and medallion is.
It looks as if Dracula absorbs water in his face and just got out of the bathtub following a forty year session.
Just amazing.
Estimated Value: Probably $1.99 at a Korean gorcery store.
Estimated Child Disappointment level: Can you really measure tears?
Fright Factor: If you threw this at a baby while on fire, you might blip the radar.

The "Angry Hugo Weaving" Dracula
Although not the worst Dracula in the world, there's something about the facial contures that make it look like Elrond turned Orc on me. There's a lot to like about this one, save for the single glaring feature.
The mouth is not only entirely too large, but the bottom jaw looks like he unhinged it to eat a baby deer. His lipliner encrusted maw just hangs there like a dangling street sign, precariously waived as you wait to see it drop off and break.
Sadly, this is the best of the lot.
Estimated Value: I'd think you could probably gouge $10 out of someone on this fucker.
Estimated Child Disappointment level: if they likes Elves, you're a hero.
If not, partial sadness extending through the night, partial mediocrity in the morning.
Before I show you the worst Dracula mask of all time, let's detour towards some of the hideous decorations we've gotten in the name of Vlad.

Nothing frightens people like a general look of malaise.

What could possibly be the practical useage of this ornament? The fibre optic lights change colour to's love of varying hues.
Also, the cord is like a foot long. Get ready to show off those new outlets to all the trick or treaters!
What the? This is CLEARLY Frankenstein. Why on earth have we retouched him to look like Dracula. Now he looks like Bowser from Sha-Na-Na. It's following that "cute decor" trend which is so very loathesome.

I actually own this one. You never really grasp the grandeur of a light-up Dracula until you see all 4 feet of it in a bathroom.
I think this is how Dracula would look if he was hosting a Japanese game show that makes you fart music for money.
And finally, without any further interruption, we find ourselves staring down the barrel of the worst Dracula mask of all time.
Please get yourself prepared.

Say hello to the "18th century French Rapist" Dracula.
Every square inch of this makes me want to kill myself.
The sideburns which have never appeared on anyone but Blacula. The beesting lipstick. The randow skin tone paint under his eyes.
Personally, the Billy Ray Cyrus hair is an exceptional stand-out for me.
Also,I can't say I'm really getting where the mole application comes from, but the last entry had a similar addition, thusly we're left with the Scarlett Pimpernil beauty mark on his cheek.
Out of all of them, I just can't find a bloody thing that's Dracula here, yet it is.
Realize that someone sculpted this in clay before they cast the masks from it? Lord almight, that would be a grand day in that factory.
'Wong, could you maybe ruin a few of these design drawings for us?"
The greatest aspect of course, is the photograph. Some old guy made his wife bring out the camera and he stood in the yard with the sun just right, proclaiming his mastery of the darkness.
Truly inspired is a Dracula wearing a windbreaker.
Estimated Value: It's either the best Dracula mask or the worst. I'd range it from a nickle to a few thousand pesos.
Estimated Child Disappointment Value: if you can find me a unit of measure that will encompass suicide and homicide, please show me.
Fright Factor: No. Perhaps yes if you are blind and you mistake it for a leathery ass.
Thank you for joining me during this retrospective. expect more in the coming days.