Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What happened?

For those of you who have been following the virtual paper trail of web locale, let me answer the following questions I'm asked frequently, and...not so frequently.

Q:Do you still paint?

A: YES!  I still paint, however I'm occupying my time more with drawing lately.

Q: Will you update

A: Yes.  Actually this blog is a companion piece to that website.  I will be updating it with new artwork once my webmisstress has some time.  I had been considering an artbook, which is why a lot of my stuff hasn't seen the light of day as of late.  So there you go.

Q: Will you update this fucking blog?

A: Yes, for sure.  Actually I'm hoping to update it at least a few times a week with something worthwhile to talk about.  I want it to be part of your regular web habits.

Q: What are you doing these days?

A: Well, I'm currently working very hard on a gallery show and on a comic which is actually going somewhere.  Check back and see the tale of indie-comic woes next blog.

Q: Is that it?

A: Yes, for the time being.  As you were.

Edgecrushing and dancing the Mac-10-abre.

Lazy?  Perhaps.  Perhaps not.

Rather busy actually.

Drawing drawing, painting doodles and committing heinous acts of whimsy.

However, as opposed to simply not existing, I've decided to actually upkeep a blog.  This one, in fact.

So please, remove your shoes and any constrictive clothing, and enjoy the continuing adventures of someone you've never heard of.

On the menu this evening is a tough and stringy cut of nothing in particular, smothered in a bernaise sauce of indifference.

Oh hold on, someone said something about direction.

Yes, fine, here is the "Mission Statement".


"I, Kelly Forbes, owner and proprietor of the Kelly Forbes estate located in the heart of scenic Parts Unknown, do solemnly swear to conduct myself in an orderly fashion of frequent and mind blowing content."

Mind Blowing Content: A form of media which shatters male testicles.

There, now we're ready to continue.